Example sites using the maker

Below are a few example websites that use the maker for their creation and management.

Optik Schmitz


Optik Schmitz - German opthalmic optician site. Created and managed the with TheMaker. This site also includes wordpress integration managed from TheMaker.

Going Linux


Going Linux - An excellent Linux enthusiast website "for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done" using theMaker supplied Bare Bones template customised and managed from TheMaker.

Camping de Vos


Camping de Vos - Dutch camping website created and managed with TheMaker.

HELP for all Nations


HELP for all Nations - A detailed site for a non-profit organisation providing support for the homeless and people with drug addiction problems. Created and managed with TheMaker.

The development of this site started the creation of TheMaker itself.

Read: The Story Of TheMaker.



ParcelPod - Information pages for UK domestic parcel box All pages managed with TheMaker.

Color Rush


Color Rush - Landing page for iOS iPhone and iPad game available from the Apple App Store ®.

HTML kickstart


HTML kickstart - A maker demonstration site using Kickstart from 99Lime, with all features available from TheMaker.

Twitter Bootstrap Maker Template


Twitter Bootstrap - Another maker demonstration site using Twitter Bootstrap framework, this site is using the bootstrap-responsive style to show how the 'responsive' features work across different browsers and platforms whilst always maintaining good usability. All managed from TheMaker.

F A Parkes


F A Parkes - A micro site for UK engineering company, pages created and managed from TheMaker.